Free: The Cleansing Pentalogy (A Psychological Thriller Apocalyptic Boxset)

The Cleansing Pentalogy ( A Psychological Thriller Apocalyptic Boxset )

A true mental health psychological walk through an apocalyptic dystopian Britain, through the eyes of a self destructing young man.

Five books, a huge British universe, mental health driven science fiction and a ride you will never forget.

The emotion starts positive, high and happy but within mere chapters of the first book you see the world unwind in ways you never thought possible.

You will not find much like this, a group so devilish that heaven and hell are not even a concept in their broken and twisted ways.

Book one opens the world up, the rest just allow the bleed to drip into the cracks left behind.

Grab my hand and jump into the most pain ridden, tear driving, fear quivering mental abyss you will ever read. Free on Kindle.
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