Free: Uncover My Secrets

Uncover My Secrets
Prince. It is a title that some boys dream of, but as an orphan, I never thought it would happen to me. After being adopted by the wealthiest people in Qatar, I had a new life to look forward to.

Years later, my adopted parents would have a son, a true son. My father gave me the opportunity to have my own business, and I could never repay him for what he has done for me.

After a trip to Qatar to see him, I find out that he is stepping down as the king and wants me to be the new king. I know my brother is the one that should have the seat, but he is only eleven and has spoken out about not wanting to do it.

All this, and now the most beautiful woman somehow pushes her way into my life. She is tough and persistent. Two very attractive qualities in a woman.

I’m in a place of doubt and confusion and all I need is her. When she tells me who she really is, can I still love her? Free on Kindle.

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