Free: O Beloved: Being, Becoming and Beyond

O Beloved: Being, Becoming and Beyond
In today’s hyperconnected world, human consciousness remains hijacked by the made-up frameworks—social, commercial, political, and religious. As a result, our living experience is driven, designed, and defined by a cosmetic self, always busy in responding to the demands of this world culture. In this way, the entire journey of life shrinks into a resume of material achievements at the cost of bypassing the existential experiences which are deeply meaningful and life-enriching. Mostly, the efforts to look beyond the web of routine life are academic, abstract, and off the real ground. Therefore, ordinarily, we deprioritize exploring our existential connection, thinking that either they are non-valuable or non-achievable. Ultimately, looking inward to realize our existential consciousness becomes a luxury of philosophers or monks; and does not get appreciation in the mainstream, among masses. Free on Kindle.
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