Erotic Interracial Romance Novels by Author D.H. Chewins

If you’re a fan of E.L. James’ 50 Shades of Gray or Sylvia Day’s Crossfire series, then you’ll want to check out the works of D.H. Chewins. Chewins is a retired engineer who wrote erotic romance novels as a side hobby before deciding to self-publish his two novels this year.

Word of warning to romance fans: the books listed below are highly pornographic and explicit. If you’re looking for a sweet, wholesome love story without a lot of sexual imagery, you may want to look elsewhere. However, if you’re searching for books with R-rated sex scenes that’ll make you blush, we recommend Chewins’ novels.

An Immoral Erotic Parable of American Eve & African Adam

We’ve all heard the Biblical story of Adam and Eve, but this book poses a new take on the first humans that God created.

In this modern, offbeat, and raunchy retelling of the figures of Adam and Eve, beautiful Katheryn Kellington and Massai Mobuku cross paths and sparks fly. However, they feel conflicted by their differences on the surface level. In Katheryn’s Southern U.S. hometown, interracial couples are frowned upon and viewed as corrupt. Additionally, Katheryn is married; lusting after Massai isn’t just taboo, it’s immoral.

As Katheryn and Massai’s lives continue to intertwine, the sexual tension increases to an unbearable level. Katheryn’s lust for Massai becomes overpowering, but is she willing to risk the life she built for a relationship with him?

Lust2Love: Interracial Struggles of the Kellingtons

This can be read as a stand-alone novel, although it continues to tell the story of Katheryn Kellington and Massai Mobuku’s illicit affair. The book picks up once Katheryn returns home to Georgia after filming a series of pornographic scenes with Massai. She remains conflicted about her choices. Should she stay with her husband or leave to pursue a deeper relationship with Massai?

At 39 years of age, Katheryn still has a lot of life left. As an intelligent and gorgeous Southern belle, her world is full of professional and personal opportunities. Will she choose to stay with her husband, the man she once loved dearly, or will her lust lead her back to Massai’s side?