Free: Dizzy in Love

Dizzy in Love

Jayden Holt is totally wrong for me. But then, when have I ever done anything right?

People call me Dizzy Izzy. Between my elopement, divorce, bankruptcy, and arrest, they may not be wrong. (For the record, the misdemeanor wasn’t my fault. I blame my ADD).

Jayden Holt, aka Your Honor, is more buttoned-up than a middle-aged accountant, but he’s the only one who’s ever seen me as more than a screw-up. He just happens to be my first love, my first heartbreak–and the judge at my first courtroom appearance. Imagine my surprise when sparks fly and the possibility of a new relationship has me spinning.

Until some surprising news has me reconsidering my ex-husband and the marriage we once shared.

Giving my ex a second chance may prove that I can finish at least one thing that I’ve started, but it also means giving up the guy who sees me as more than just dizzy.
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